Monday, February 9, 2015

Furniture Shopping With and Without Kids

We are in the market to upgrade both our kitchen and dining room tables, but furniture shopping, it turns out, is a real pain.  Dan and I went to the "furniture capital of New England" on MLK Day while the kids were in school and though we saw some nice things, we weren't ready to pull the trigger.  But the freedom of getting in and out of the car, lingering to talk with sales people, not packing seventeen snacks or doing diaper changes made this fruitless adventure really enjoyable!! However, since we still needed to look at other options, we took the kids up to (tax-free) Nashua, NH last weekend.  Not as nice an experience as shopping solo was, but it was surely entertaining!
After a few stores, the kids had done fairly well and it was time to call it quits.  We had dinner before heading back to MA and Dagny enjoyed "making a shopping list for her school meeting" at the table
 while the boys played Tic Tac Toe.
 Dan's smiling because just as he was telling Finley that he should have blocked Daddy from winning, we discovered that Finley had in fact won with his last move!! Ha!! The student has become the master!

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