We're beginning to settle into our two kiddo reality here, but it is certainly a wild ride each and every day. The best part is that Finley and Dagny are officially a loving pair of siblings and we couldn't be more thrilled.
Finley adores being a big brother and is very interested in where his baby sis is and what she is up to. He shows her off at camp pick up and drop off, "Look, my baby is sleeping right there!" We are trying to help him understand that there's no need to talk to her nose-to-nose, no matter how loud he is--she won't be talking back to him anytime soon :) But I do love his enthusiasm to include her and be with her. When she cries (and she does plenty of that), he makes suggestions of what might be wrong: "Does she need more milk from your body? Can we change her diaper? Maybe she wants to go in her swing?" He also likes to entertain us with his guitar playing and singing skills.
Don't let her expression fool you, she's enjoying the show!
With the daily changes in weather around here (hot and humid one day, below 70 degrees the next), Dagny seems to wear all sorts of clothes and since babies require a handful of clothing changes a day...you never know what she might be wearing.
Last Friday, she got to wear just a diaper for an hour or so as she and I spent the afternoon at MGH for some tests. While in the womb, Dagny's right kidney was seen to be developing a bit abnormally and so we are following up to see if it is on the road to correcting itself as they often do in such cases. Technically, this is called "hydronephrosis" but I won't try to explain in--the basic situation is we want to assure that her kidney is draining properly to prevent a back up from the bladder. First, she had a renal ultrasound and while it was hard to watch her squirm around on the table while the scan was taken--it was quite odd to watch someone her get an ultrasound outside of the womb after all the ones I had while she was on the inside!

Second, she had a VCUG which was fairly complex and involved a catheter and some dye followed by a waiting period for her to pee three times while they took x-rays of her internal plumbing. She did amazingly well and we left feeling very proud of ourselves: her for surviving a catheter and me for not crying while she survived the catheter :) We are scheduled to see one of the top pediatric kidney guys this week to go over the results of the scans.
In lighter news, Finley got a haircut this week in preparation for his Aunt Ellie's wedding at the end of August when he will be a ring bearer! We like his hair long-ish so we figured we'd get it cut short now and in 5 weeks, it will be a good medium length. Since his very first haircut (18 months old or so), he's gotten his haircut at his family daycare but since he is all done there--we had to go to an actual salon, crazy! He wasn't thrilled and told us that he did not want to hair dryer on him, so as soon as we met Nancy at her salon, he said, "No hair dryer, please." She was great with him and while he was certainly nervous, he did a great job!
Post haircut, he picked a baseball tattoo from Nancy's treasure box and then played at the toy kitchen and tool bench for a while.
Don't worry, his haircut is better than this picture shows since it was still wet. Honestly though, it wasn't the best cut he's gotten and we're hoping it evens out in the coming weeks...but the experience was very positive and I think that is more important in the long run!
Two more unrelated pictures:
Wearing my sunglasses in the car
My two guys at the park after Finley, Dagny, and I had been playing there for a while when Dan arrived from work.
Someone told us 1+1 does not equal 2 but closer to 3 (when it comes to kids) was right, but I think we are getting a handle on it...sort of...for now...