As new town residents, we are trying to get a feel for the place and hit up any and all town events. West Acton hosted it's (almost) 20th Octoberfest on Saturday so we drove over and scored a great parking place despite the major road being closed for the event.
The scene was hopping! Kids, grown ups, booths, balloons flying, delicious smells all around, and to Finley's great joy--a band was playing up on the stage. This band was supercool since it was three highschool kids playing and it turns out, they write all their own stuff! How awesome is that? Finley rocked out until they finished their set and then we walked around a bit more. We came across a gem that will surely become a family favorite: The Acton Model Railroad Center. Seriously, this shop has been here all along??? Finley ditched us when he spotted one of the trains running in the lawn outside the shop and as I hurried after our usually attached kid, I knew something good must be in his sights and I was right. Going into the shop was like stepping back in time since my dad used to have a model train set up in our house growing up. Finley LOVED seeing all the models running on the tracks.

We had to beg and beg for Finley to go back to the festival with us, but thankfully we had a temping offer to sway him. We'd run into our neighbors in the train shop who asked us if we'd checked out the fire station and the bouncy house at the end of the block and around the corner and since we had missed them, we made our way there. Truth be told, Finley was only minorly interested in leaving the train shop, truth be told, but since he is in general a rule abiding citizen, he agreed to leave.
Kids were swarming around the corner so we knew we were headed the right direction. Before we could even make it to the bouncy house/fire station hoopla, we passed something spectacular. For .50, Finley got to drive this motorized motorcycle for three laps around the track. He was so excited that he nearly burst. To our surprise, Finley was able to keep his foot pressed down on the "gas pedal" and steer at the same time but Dan stayed close just to make sure he was safe.
He was a total pro!
And my best picture of the day:
He willingly parked his motorcycle and we headed off to the bouncy house, which was pleasantly deserted. A few kids came through and Finley had fun jumping around and fake falling.
Then, it was on to the fire house. What a scene! There were all sorts of fire rescue vehicles there: old school fire engine, fire boat, etc. The fire house was open and they were giving out pizza, cider, chili, apples, juice, etc. plus all sorts of fun stuff for kids to play with.
Pizza crust in hand :)
We finished our pizza out near the big hook and ladder truck.
I'm regretting that I didn't hop aboard and ask a passerby to snap a family photo...
On our way back, Finley tried out the motorized dump truck but this one had a little too much power and Finley went a bit off course and finished just two laps.
We wandered back through the thick of things and ran into some Tufts friends and neighbors and we scheduled a get together for next weekend. One of our friend's daughters who is about six or seven asked us if Finley had ridden the motorized cars because she "used to love them when she was little." I guess that activity has been around a while! Dan grabbed some fried dough and then we walked back to the car.
A new autumn tradition for us in born and we can't wait to go back next year!