Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hanukkah 2013

Hanukkah 2013 was one to remember, mostly because it overlapped with Thanksgiving and it was a whirlwind of family, food, and fun!

After putting Dagny to sleep Tuesday night, Finley helped me make Hanukkah cookies! Notice we're both wearing aprons :) Thanks for the photos Grammy!

We started the Hanukkah celebrating Wednesday night.  With Grammy and Granddad's help, we were able to make latkes, light menorahs, and open gifts before bed!
A baby carriage for Dagny!
Magnatiles for Finley!
Balance bikes for both kids, thanks Uncle Carl!
 Aunt Caitlin surprised the kids with a trip to Build a Bear for Hanukkah.  Finley made a Bruins bear that Caitlin and I named Puckleberry Finn and Dagny made a calico covered bear.
 The gifts continued throughout the week, Finley's new soccer goal has been a huge hit since we opened it!
 Thank you GG and Grandpa!!
While the dollar store glowballs they sent, have also been providing endless minutes of fun in the light and in the dark.
Dagny even inherited a Mixter family heirloom that was made by my dad's father back in 1982! Thanks Aunt Sudie and Uncle Pete!!
We celebrated the last night of Hanukkah at the temple with the kids preschool crew.

Finley seemed to really understand the holiday this year.  I suspect this was a combination of being 4 and of getting to learn all about the history behind the holiday in school.  He understood the oil lasting for 8 days and somewhat about Judah Maccabee wanting to free his people and even that the dreidel game came from long, long ago.  Pretty cool stuff.  On the other hand, Dagny mastered the concept of opening presents and what that really means :)
Though it's over now, Dagny will probably continue celebrating Hanukkah for weeks to come...

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