Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Maine or bust!

My parents continued up the east coast with us to Bath, Maine, this weekend. We had a Tufts friend's wedding and they kindly agreed to babysit Finley at the hotel. We got two rooms near one another and after checking in, we went to have lunch at a waterside tavern.
Then we rushed back the hotel to get ready for the wedding and get Finley set up for an afternoon nap. I know, I know--you're assuming me put him in the closet, right? WRONG! Finley was upgraded (or maybe downgraded) to a bathroom suite!
More spacious than the closet, but the proximity to the toilet is certainly suspect...but Finley napped like a champ for my parents in there and then they went off to explore the area around the hotel.
My mom reported that Finley wasn't too interested in his bottle when he woke up from his nap, but when they got back from their walk--he basically grabbed it and drank it all by himself. Ha!
When we got back from the wedding, Finley crawled right over to me with a HUGE smile on his face. What more could I want besides a good report and a happy baby?? Well, this picture might be the icing on the cake!
We all slept well, thankfully we had access to the bathroom in my parents' room down the hall, and we said goodbye (and THANK YOU) to Finley's grandparents before driving over for the wedding brunch. The brunch was on the same property as the wedding, simply a beautiful spot! Finley enjoyed sitting in the grass and watching all the action (mainly, the groom's two young nephews eating leftover wedding cupcakes). Dan gave him his first taste of cantaloupe and he loved it!
Four more weddings (with and without Finley) on the horizon this fall, hopefully we'll get it down to a science and have some fun! Thank you to my parents for all their help, it was super easy with 4 pairs of hands!!

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