Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's Hard Being a Baby

Yes, as much as it seems like a cakewalk, it must be hard to be a baby. Grown ups are always making decisions for you, putting you wherever they want, dressing you in their choice of clothing, feeding you whenever they feel like it, etc. The hardest part must be the fact that whenever babies show a remote interest or ability to do something, the grown ups push them to do it over and over again. Baby tricks. Like smiling for the camera, saying bye-bye, but most highly demanded: rolling over.

We showed you a video of Finley rolling from his tummy to his back a while ago.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Amazing Finley Forseter

He still does that from time to time, but lately he seems to be wiggling to move when he's on his back at the start. We have to really keep an eye on him on the changing table, in the bath tub, and even when we are trying to strap him into the car seat. He can arch his back and push with his legs with surprising power. On Tuesday morning, he seemed more determined to use this new found strength to get somewhere or reach something. He started out doing some tummy time and kept inching forward towards his toy apple and then he flipped over. Much to his dismay, the apple was now out of reach and he spent the next 20 or 25 minutes (seriously!) trying to get it. I just sat next to him and snapped photos of his efforts.

He was SO close to rolling back onto his stomach several times during this time, I was sure he was going to do it. I suspect the camera curse came into play and after this adventure, I promised him I would put it away while he practiced this new baby trick. It was funny how focused he was while trying to roll to get the apple, but that he was still smiling and making lots of happy noises. Once he finally stretched out to get it, oh the joy! Too bad he let it go and it rolled out of reach. Poor guy!

Good work, little man. You'll get there. I think it's time or a nap.

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