While we are in the final month of summer, I am finally feeling like we are in the swing of the season. Lots of outside time, laid back mornings, farmers' markets, playing frisbee, throwing the ball around the yard, digging in the sandbox, etc. Finley even enjoyed himself in the rain during our frisbee game on Tuesday night. He and Eliot were happy as clams chasing each other around despite the precipitation (aside from when both Dan and I went on the field at the same time and he cried).
Wednesday, we continued our carefree summer ways and went with the Rosenbergs to a concert on the lawn in Natick Center, just a few miles from their house. Gabi, Dave, Charlotte, and Baby Joey invited us to their weekly ritual and since Dan was running a track workout, we jumped at the chance. After romping around their backyard for a while (watching two kids chase a giant pink ball is priceless), we piled in our cars and drove over despite threatening clouds. We met up with two other families and spread out our blankets just in time to notice the sign saying that concert was moved to an indoor location. Ug. However, all the kids were too busy running around and having fun to care so we decided to skip the music and have our pizza picnic there anyway. We moved into the gazebo as it started to drizzle and Dave arrived to eight patiently waiting kids and their parents (they were being patient, I kid you not). Well, eight counts Joey and while he would probably have loved a slice, he's still on a liquid diet.
Finley has never been a good "on the road" eater, but I figured some "monkey see, monkey do" would help and so I sat him right next to Charlotte. She dove into her slice like a pro, but Finley was unhappy about the whole situation. I ate some, too, to tempt him. Nope. He kept asking for more from the pizza box, but then didn't want any from his plate. Hm. I tore it into small pieces and away he went! Duh, Mommy.
He LOVED it. He ate a lot and rubbed his pizza covered hands everywhere, literally. On his shirt, his shorts, his shins, his face, the top of his head, and even the back of his head and neck. Can you see the greased up hair in the next shot? Better than Dep!
When everyone had eaten their fill, we hosed them off and it was back onto the grass for more running and general wild, carefree behavior. I continue to be amazed (and perplexed) that Finley won't go into a different room of our house without me, but will chase after a friend into the great outdoors with little regard for my location. Awesome to watch, though, truly a pleasure. Dave and I chatted for a while watching Charlotte, her friend Sophie, and Finley and agreed how wonderful it was to see them all get along like real little people. I thought we were going to be headed home, but then someone suggested getting ice cream from a little shop on the corner. I like ice cream, but Finley's never thought much of it. I know, what an odd kid that doesn't like pasta or ice cream but requests cooked carrots at every meal.
Turns out, Finley was thrilled to have his very own ice cream cone and licked it like a pro (after I showed him what a "lick" is).
He went to town and despite all the drips and stickiness, he kept with it. I "helped" out every few minutes, but he was more than happy to share it with me. He thought it was great eating ice cream outside with Charlotte and her friend. Whenever he said "ice cream" it came out more like "elephant" but it was a good effort.
He also enjoyed having ice cream with Dave nearby, every once in a while he'd look over to him, point, and say, "Dave." Finley's really great with names and today was no different.
Watching him navigate his first cone was more than entertaining and I tried to get some good video footage of it, but there was always something that ruined it (a dog walking by that attracted a lot of attention from our ice cream eaters, a teenager biking by yelling "idiot" in the background, etc.). This one is a one second video, seriously, but it was hysterical because Finley held up his cone a few times saying "cheers" to his playmates and was always greeted with another cone to clink with his. Here are he and Charlotte toasting their good fortune :)
Pizza, ice cream, and great friends means life is good! Cheers!