Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday Post for Daddy

Well, we had quite a busy morning and afternoon and I completely failed in photo-documenting any and all of it! I find it hard to take pictures when we're out and about these days, my hands always seem to full. We went to a great yard sale this morning and had lunch at the Greek Food Festival with Henry and his parents and Eliot and her mom. I tried to make up for my lack of picture taking when Finley got up from his afternoon nap and again when we got home from a visit to Brookline to see a friend's new condo.

While he's been rolling for a while, Finley has always failed to roll over on his changing table due to the nicely contoured sides that he can't seem to conquer. Well, that time is over and Finley is now officially not allowed to be left unattended!
Wouldn't it be nice if he was reaching for a wipe to clean himself? No such luck!

Finley seems like he's on the verge of crawling and while that's a scary thought, I am trying to encourage the little daredevil. He rolls himself onto his stomach and then grunts and whines as he scoots backwards (see last night's post). Today I decided to try an intervention. Just before bed, he was on his tummy and pushing up with his arms so I bent his knees for him. He was surprisingly stable up on all fours and began rocking back and forth with a big smile on his face. After a few photos, I tried to move his arms forward to show him how this whole crawling thing works. He was a willing lab rat, but eventually tired of it all and flopped down on his belly. I felt like we were really getting somewhere, tomorrow should be fun!
I did take a few videos of his him in his new playroom, while none of them are particularly noteworthy--I thought Dan would enjoy seeing his little man live-in-action while he's away. It's a bit long, but seeing our adorable boy is worth your time :)

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