Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy 7 Month Birthday!

Hard to believe that 7 months ago today, we got up in the middle of the night, packed a bag, rushed to the hospital and got to meet Finley 3 weeks earlier than anticipated!

I feel like Finley's grown up a lot between his 6 and 7 month birthdays, let's see...

1. He can sit on his own now and he's close to crawling (gets up on his hands and knees at will). I won't be modest, I take a lot of the credit for his upright skills--I was relentless!
2. He is sleeping MUCH better at night (one feeding between 3 and 4am, then gets up for the day between 7 and 8am) and his marathon napping continues (3 hours this afternoon!!). We love how easily Finley puts himself to sleep--just put him in his sleep sack and then into his crib, hand him one of his two loveys, and he'll roll to his side, suck his thumb and pass out. Bliss!

3. He's much chattier these days and makes the most adorable sounds. He talks a lot more while I carry him around in the Beco front pack, which is really fun, although this week he realized he could play with my hair in that position...not as fun!

4. We're pretty sure he's ticklish and he laughs quite easily and often--sometimes at songs, funny sounds we make, running our fingers up and down his belly, or seemingly at nothing at all. He usually gives himself the hiccups after an intense bout of laughter, but it still seems worth it to him!

5. He knows us well and can't help but break into a huge smile when he sees either one of us up close or across the room. Now that he can sit, I may leave him in the living room to go to do something in the kitchen but whenever I pop my head in to check on him, he always looks up with a big grin. What more could a mom ask for?
6. He has obvious favorites: books (Chicka Chicka ABC, If I Were a Cow...), songs (Open-Shut Them, The Noble Duke of York (it's an odd one)), and toys (squishy elephant, Sophie). It's funny to see what things he'll love for a short period of time and others that he never tires of.

7. Despite having favorite toys, Finley does tend to latch onto just about anything of ours that isn't a toy such as a bottle of saline drops, my camera case, my wallet and phone, empty or full water bottles, the tightening strap on his car seat, and his most recent fav -- an empty travel case of q-tips. Note to self--forget birthday presents in November, first just look in the trash or recycle bin!

Perfect--7 things for 7 months :) I'll stop here. Well, here's one more picture of something we got in the mail today. It wasn't intended to be a birthday present, but it turned out that way. We ordered Finley a rain jacket from LLBean to take with us overseas, when I opened the package I couldn't believe how adorable it was!! Then I put it on him...

What will the next month bring?
Happy Birthday, Buddy!

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