Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday Post for Daddy

Sadly, we said goodbye to Dan (aka Daddy) in Central Sq. earlier today since he was meeting his ride to an upstate NY frisbee tournament. Lucky for us, he's never been away for more than one night since Fin's birth, but it will be tough without him for this back-to-back Finley and Mommy nighttime extravaganza. I know it's hard for Dan to be away from us, too, so I thought I'd post a bit more in the next 48 hours so that he'll know what we've been up to and get to see Finley from afar. Call me cheesy, but it wouldn't be the first time someone did :)

After dropping Dan off, we made it home in time for Finley to have his second helping of zucchini. Last night's inaugural tasting was so-so and I was hoping for some improvement tonight. Boy, did I get it!! Since I'm continuing to make most of Finley's food at home, all his fruits and veggies aren't measured in cups or tablespoons, but "cubes" since after steaming, pureeing, etc. the mush goes into ice cube trays for future use. One "cube" is enough for a baby Finley's age who is still learning how to eat (and enjoy) solid foods. So tonight, I defrosted one cube of zucchini and then mixed in some baby oatmeal flakes and breast milk to thicken it. Yum yum, right? Thankfully, Finley thought so! The first couple spoonfuls of anything are always tense for Finboy, but after a dramatic gagging sound he opened up for more and we were good to go.
Before I knew it, the bowl was nearly empty so I scraped the bottom for a few last bites.
Ta-dah! He's done it, ladies and gentlemen, so welcome him to the Clean Plate Club :)
Just like we end all "meals", I show him the sign language sign for water and then let him grab the cup. If only he could tilt it himself!! Physics is an elusive mistress...
After that, Finley nursed his bedtime portion (we're now doing this not connected to his bedtime routine with sparkling results!) and was ready to play for a while. He's still constantly rolling over when placed on his back, despite getting frustrated once he's there and can't move forward. Silly boy. Alas, the backwards scooting continues and I should start paying attention to what's behind him when I put him down! Here is a time lapse group of shots:
Yes--he's on his hands and his toes with nothing touching the floor in between! This way to muscle beach!!
Yep, he was stuck. Kicking his feet underneath the coffee table and squirming with his arms. I put the camera down and went over to help, but then he bent one of his knees and began to push his way out. I gave him a chance to figure it out. He didn't get unstuck, but put forth some strong effort! I pulled him out and we called it a day.

Night, night, Finley. Night, night, Daddy.

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