Friday, August 6, 2010

Week in Review

Nothing terribly exciting going on chez Finley this week, Fin is just continuing to work on crawling, picking up finger foods, and reading (after all, his mom is a teacher!).

Here's a video from this morning, it's tough to capture Finley showing off his true crawling chops when I'm home alone because as soon as I sit on the ground he usually comes right towards me (ruins camera angle) or just sits and pouts (making me crawl towards him instead, what a smarty pants).
He's working on his pulling up skills, too. He looks so innocent...and seems to find things that haven't even been opened yet!
Finley is a lot of fun to feed these days because he'll pretty much eat whatever you offer him. Recently, he's tried some pureed turkey, yogurt, and a personal favorite to watch: broccoli.
He tries really hard to pick up food himself, which is mildly successful most days.
He still LOVES drinking water when the meal is over and now he can tip the cup himself, which is pretty cool.
I love books and so does Finley. Plus--now he can read them all by himself! He'll just crawl over the bookshelf and pull one out or find one on the floor. Sometimes he just chews on it, but sometimes he really looks like he's enjoying the story!
A final little tidbit: For my birthday, Finley gave me a video baby monitor. It was something we resisted getting in the beginning, but as Finley has become more active (rolling over, sitting up, pulling up, etc.) it's been hard to know what is going on in his crib at night if he wakes up crying. We have tended to follow a tough love strategy if he cries before it's time to eat or get up, but I have been worrying about his getting "stuck" in odd positions that he might need to be rescued from.

Last night, we set up the camera and got to try it out. Finley went to bed by 7 as usual and we didn't hear a peep, but did turn on the monitor to see how our little nuglet was snoozing (first on his back, then on his belly with his toosh in the air). When we got into bed at 10, we heard a little squeak from him, so we flipped on the screen and he was squirming around. He began to cry a bit and rotated himself around and then began to crawl--right towards his owl lovey!! In the dark, he managed to find his way to his lovey and he pulled it right under his face and nuzzled it until he fell asleep. We were watching with big smiles on our faces, what a sight! It was seriously one of the most adorable and amazing things I've seen him do on his own (this week anyways!). Good to know he can comfort himself :) So far, video monitor--awesome!

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