Sunday, August 15, 2010

Secrets Revealed!

Well, my 30th birthday is now complete and it finished up on a really high note! My sister, Caitlin, secretly planned a secret birthday surprise for me this past weekend in NYC so Finley and I headed down on Friday with great curiosity. We arrived just before dinner and successfully found and parked at the Hilton on the Avenue of the Americas, phew! Caitlin worked hard to find a hotel that had a suite available so Finley would have his own space and we wouldn't have to keep the lights off and tiptoe around after 7pm. She was told that our "executive" suite would have a king sized bed and a partition separating the two rooms...well, the king sized bed was there, but that was it! Yikes! My anxiety level went up quickly knowing how poorly both Finley and I slept in Prague having to share a room...but thankfully I realized that the closet was quite spacious :)
The travel crib fit like a puzzle piece in there and while I did feel awkward at first about having my son sleep in a closet, it worked perfectly. There wasn't any ventilation in there, so we did have to leave the door cracked just a little--that made me feel less like a bad mommy :)

The rest of the room was lovely and the view was spectacular. Yes, that's Central Park you can see!
Finley enjoyed crawling around the room, but not as much as he enjoyed our executive breakfast up on the 44th floor both mornings. He's quite a champ at sitting in a high chair and while he was always more interested in watching all the other hotel guests than eating, at least Caitlin and I were able to enjoy our meals at the same time!
I got a good laugh out of this sign at the breakfast buffet. Something tells me it was inspired by a lawsuit...
We brought some toys and books from home and it never ceases to amaze me how much Finley loves his favorite books, he'll just sit and listen, look at all the pictures, and smile.
Oh...the surprise!! After getting Finley to sleep on Friday night, we left him in the charge of Dan's sister, Ellie, and walked over to Radio City Music Hall for the Barenaked Ladies concert!!
They are one of my most favorite bands and I haven't seen them in years, what a treat! I've only been to Radio City once before and it was a gorgeous place to see a show. Don't I have the best sister in the world??? BNL released a kids CD called Snacktime a couple years ago and I was so hoping (but not expecting) that they'd play a tune from it and guess what? They played my favorite song off the record!! EEEEEEEEraser :)
I will admit that I did have a bit of a mommy moment though---when the band came out and struck their first chord, my immediate reaction was, "SHHHH!" How pathetic is that? I guess I'm just a little too used to trying to keep things calm and at a low volume these days....

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