Friday, December 4, 2009

Some SAHM Thoughts

With Dan back at work and my maternity leave sub officially in charge of my former class, I guess that means I'm a SAHM. Stay At Home Mom. While it is always something that I have longed to be, I still can't believe it is my new identity. Since graduating college I have had the same job in the same building amongst mostly the same Finley is the only student in my "class", I'm my own boss (sorry, Dan), and I don't have any other staff members around for support, right? Well, I guess the reality is that Finley isn't my student yet--he's the boss...for now. The other staff members are probably all my other SAHM friends who I am blessed to have in my life. Being a SAHM is a full time job and while it doesn't put $ into my 401K, I am already reaping a great deal of benefits that can't be measured :)

Back to the continuing Finley storyline...

Yesterday, I bravely gave Finley a bath on my own. We used his tub (even though it was still a sponge bath) and while he is cleaner than he was before, it certainly wasn't a thorough job! He wasn't hysterical the whole time (see below), but for enough of it that I rushed the job. However, he was oddly relaxed while getting his hair washed...he went into what I have dubbed "the baby trance." We don't see the trance often, but sometimes he'll do it post-diaper change once his legs are buttoned into his new outfit. He literally goes stiff as a board and stops crying instantly. If only we could turn this on and off ourselves...

Despite it being December 3, it was 68 degrees warm and sunny in Boston yesterday! I put Finley in the beco (front pack carrier) and we walked down into Arlington Heights. We stopped at UPS, the post office, the ATM, Panera, and Walgreens. How efficient!! It was downright hot by the time we got home and while Finley napped for the entire adventure, I needed a nap when we got home!

My friend, Deb, came over yesterday. Deb is a friend from work and is expecting her first baby at the end of the month. It was great to see her and terrific to be the one giving out the advice for the first time since Finley's birth. I'm already a seasoned mom with ideas to share about must-haves and don't bothers. Awesome! Deb and I are really looking forward to baby playdates in early 2010 :)

Dan had his work holiday party last night so some friends came over last night to hang out with us. Lisa, Sangwha, Josh, and baby Eliot came over with Indian food for dinner. I felt a little silly at first inviting people over to entertain me since Dan wouldn't be home until close to 9pm, but they were eager to come and it was fun! An important lesson learned: when in need, ask.

Sleepytime update: Finley is now more able to snooze in the bassinet/co-sleeper in our room during the night. We hold him on our chest or in our arms until he falls asleep (after a feeding, for example) and then make a smooth transfer to the bassinet. He can now sleep there for up to three hours before waking up to eat or request a fresh diaper. Not bad! In fact, after eating breakfast this morning at 7:30, Finley is sleeping there now (it's 9:30 already!). There is certainly some relief that he can be independent at night. Now if only I could sleep instead of watching him and checking in to see if he is breathing consistently...

Can't wait for Dan to be home tonight and for the weekend to start, the three of us have lots to do!

1 comment:

  1. i didn't realize how much he looks like you until studying the first and last bath picture... wow! too cute :)
