Sunday, December 6, 2009

This Day in Forseter History

So for many, many, December 6, 2009, was a date that was burned into our brains because it was the due date for our precious little baby boy. 40 weeks exactly would have been today. Lucky for us, we did not have to wait that long since Finley arrived three weeks early. Why is that so lucky you ask? Well, from what I have seen and heard--the last few weeks of pregnancy aren't very enjoyable for most people. I was nowhere near the super-uncomfortable, feeling like a whale stage when my water broke. Yes, I was walking more slowly and yes, I was feeling Sparky take up more and more room where my internal organs once were and yes, I spent so much time going back and forth to the bathroom it was ridiculous. However, I was still a very happy pregnant gal. If I need to carry baby number two to full term...I'll probably complain A LOT.

But Fin's early arrival was a stroke of good luck in other ways, too. Since he shared a roughly estimated due date with his soon-t0-be cousin, we were worried that if the two babies arrived close together my parents would be torn between being here in Boston and with my brother and his wife down in Virginia. Not a problem after all since we are still eagerly awaiting my nephew's birth! It was lucky because he was born on a Monday that allowed us to have his bris the following Monday and people from out of town were able to simply extend their weekends by a day to be with us. Also, since it was mid-November it was not that cold out and we didn't have to drive through ice and snow to or from the hospital (very lucky in my opinion).

However, the luckiest part of Finley's early appearance is Finley himself. After waiting so long to extend our family, we got to meet our little addition earlier than we could have hoped for. He took our breaths away and hasn't let go yet. He has changed our lives since the second he popped out and we wouldn't change a thing. We know that we are more than lucky, we are truly blessed to have become parents and I know we will never take this blessing for granted.

Wow...this came out quite philosophical and not quite as clever and witty as I usually try to write. Getting to spend December 6, 2009, at home with my wonderful family may not have been what we pictured last spring (when we assumed the 40 week gestational period was a given), but it is so much better than anything we could have ever imagined!

So Happy Expected Birthday, Finley, you're three weeks ahead of the curve! We love you!

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