Saturday, December 19, 2009

Finley Facts

We don't know much, but we know we love you...that may be all we need to know.

I wish that was all we needed to know about being first time parents, it may be the most important thing--but here's what else we have learned about our little guy thus far.

Finley Fun Facts:

1. He enjoys being bounced on an exercise ball (which is great for our abs!).
2. He does not like being changed or naked at all. He screams as if he was being tortured and it is quite unsettling at times. See #11 for the exception to this fact.
3. As of this week, he will pee on you if you don't get his fresh diaper on pretty quickly. In fact, this week he did this to me three times.
a. Across my chest and neck (dangerously close to my face/mouth).
b. Onto his own face and arms.
c. Over his head and onto the wall 10 inches or so behind the changing table. Nice range (his dad was oddly proud).
4. He prefers to sleep with his mom or dad...okay, more than prefers, he refuses to sleep solo in his bassinet or anywhere else where he'll be flat on his back. See pictures below from his friend Eliot's house where attempts were made for flat sleeping...

5. When getting a bath, he clenches his fists so tightly that we can't clean inside his hands...who knows what is trapped in there.
6. He is a terrific burper sometimes sounding like an overweight man who just finished a nice, big meal.
7. He enjoys being swaddled (baby burrito style), but is learning to control his arms a bit more these days so we let them out more often.
8. He likes being sung to, especially show tunes by his Grandfather!
9. He does not like pacifiers, we've tried two different kinds so far. However, he does like to suck on our pinky fingers (which is not nearly as convenient as a pacifier, but very endearing).
10. He is great in the car 95% of the time...we won't discuss the other 5%.
11. When we're lucky, he goes into his "baby trance" (stiff, silent body) during late night diaper/clothing changes...we don't know how to get him to do it, but if we could harness that power we'd be set!
12. He does behave better during dinner when we eat out than when we eat at know what that means? Less cooking for me!!

Nearly 5 weeks in, we know a lot more than we did that first week, but we have a lot more to learn. He won't be able to tell us his needs, preferences, or thoughts for quite a while so we'll continue to fly by the seat of our pants!

Oh and a shout out to Finley's new cousin, born this week to his Uncle Chris and Aunt Bronwyn. Welcome to the world, Owen!

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