Monday, July 12, 2010

Prague Blog #3

Since we did go to Prague to watch Dan play at Worlds, here are a few pictures from the fields. It was really, really hot most of the days we were there so it was quite an effort to keep Finley's delicate skin out of the sun. Dan doesn't love this giant floppy hat, but it does its job well and Finley doesn't try and pull it off so I think we'll keep him wearing it :)
Here are a couple field shots with Dan in red and the his team huddling up before a big game.
On the only cool day, we were able to enjoy just sitting and watching in the back of the endzone for a couple games. Finley seemed interested in his dad's game almost as much as the grass I was trying to keep him away from, good thing I brought that blanket!
Dan said it really made him to smile to look out and see us both just watching the game together. Before we know it, it'll be Dan and I watching Finley on the field!

Getting around from the hotel to the fields wasn't always as easy as the world's website made it appear, but after a day or two, we got pretty good at timing our shuttle rides.
Lucky for us, we had some good travel mates: Moira, Laura, and baby Marin (just under 11 months). I realized I don't have too many pictures of the ladies, but luckily Marin and Finley are in more than a few photos. Here they are just before we headed out one morning. Marin's quite mobil and Finley was often a sitting duck :)
Here they are crawling around under a tent at one set of fields. Finley only went backwards while Marin was able to go just about wherever she wanted, what a show off!
I know that Marin's mom, Laura, took some good photos as well so when she emails them to me I'll post those as well. Here's a funny picture of Finley hanging out in one of the many ugly chairs/sofas that were under the tent, it's a classic move of the company sponsoring the tent (5 ultimate) to find craigslist couches in whatever city they are in and then sell them again when it is time to leave.
After a week of playing frisbee, the tournament sponsored a great party down by the river with a fun live band, good food, and even a giant wooden rhinoceros (I think the place was some sort of animal park at one time).
Finally, a rare family photo...teething Finley wasn't being super cooperative, but there we are!
Dan's team ended up finishing 5th in the tournament (aka the world) and while it wasn't the place he was hoping for, it was certainly a positive playing experience and I'm glad we were able to be there with him.

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