Friday, July 16, 2010

8 Months!

At 7am, 8 months ago, Finley was born! It's been the most amazing 8 months and while we don't have anything wildly exciting to report, here are a few updates:

1. Finley continues to sit up like a champ and has pushed himself into a sitting position from a crawling position a couple times this week.
2. No official crawling just yet, only backwards pushing and belly flopping...but I think he's gonna get it soon! However, he's shown a lot more interest (and strength) in pulling himself up to stand. He can do it on the blue toy box in his room and we're looking around the house for other pieces of furniture at the right height for him to practice.
3. Lots of babbling (when he's in the talkative mood) and we hope to post a short, chatty video soon.
4. His night sleeping habits have improved dramatically since our arrival home from Prague--last night he went to bed at 7, cried for a bit around 1am, but then went back to sleep until 7am this morning!! We'll count that as truly "sleeping through the night"!! A couple other nights, he got up at 5am or 6am which is still pretty sweet.
5. He's moving onto Stage 2 foods and eating some chunks of food-like cheerios and bananas. His pincer grasp isn't quite there yet, so he can't feed himself, but it's neat to see him try. We took a video of a cheerio eating endeavor this morning, he makes the funniest faces and mouth shapes when trying to chew! But...blogspot refused to upload this video, so stay tuned for a youtube link!
6. His independent playing skills continue to blossom, he's particularly fond of tipping over the toy box, pulling toys out, putting them in his mouth and then casting them aside for something else. No new toys for his 8 month milestone this morning, but he seemed just as happy with all his old ones!
Happy 8 Month Birthday, little buddy!

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