Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cherry Blossom Baby

We spent Saturday afternoon in downtown Washington, D.C. to explore the opening day of the Cherry Blossom Festival with my parents. The sun was out and while it was a bit chilly, it was great walking around weather. Finley slid into the Beco at the Metro station and we were off!
Technically, the blossoms were only at 70%, but you would have thought closer to 100%--they were gorgeous! As we walked, my mom overhead another tourist say to her friends, "That baby is wearing a Google hat!" So Google, you're welcome for the free advertising!

Finley was awake for the first part of our trek, but passed out when it was time to go check out the WWII memorial and the kite festival nearby. There were hundreds of kites flying around, from the very elaborate high-flying box kites to some neat homemade ones.
We made our way to the base of the Washington Monument, where we sat on the benches to have a snack and relax. Finley got out of the Beco and was ready to play, luckily Dan was happy to oblige!
(above is Dan's favorite pict from the weekend)
We piled into the supercrowded Metro station for the ride home and Finley had just about had it, luckily we got on the train soon and I was able to feed him. Some very cute, but nosy kiddos were in the seats in front of us. The 4 year old asked me if the baby was eating milk and I said yes. His embarrassed mom reminded him that he used to drink milk from her. I then asked him, "Since you're a big kid now, what do you eat?" and he looked me square in the eye, smiled, and said, "People food!" Well, duh, how silly of me to ask?? We got home and Finley played for a short time but then passed out on his dad for his evening cat nap. What a day!

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