Friday, November 20, 2009

Visitors a Plenty

Today was a full day, despite none of us leaving the house! Before lunch, some friends and their little ones came over for a visit. Stacy brought over Aliza (in the stripes) who just turned 6 months old and Sangwha brought over Eliot (in the pink) who is one month to the day. Below is our attempt at a group shot...Finley was the least squirmy of the three, but clearly the least interactive!

Then an hour later or so, Mike Z. came over. Despite recovering from last week's knee surgery, he braved our front steps to meet Finley.

A few minutes later, Mike B. showed up to join the boys club on the couch. Finley was very sweet and Dan pulled out his little hands and fingers to show them off. Mike B. was more than taken aback at the tiny scale of Finley's paws!

The rest of the afternoon was more laid back as Gramma Mixter busily cooked and cleaned for us and we just hung out with the little man. He is spending a bit more time each day with his eyes open and since it still such a novelty, we always yell out across the house to one another if both eyes are open at the same time! It sounds much cooler to be excited about that than the fact that Finley gave us two good BMs today (though to be honest, that was pretty impressive as well).

More family arrives tomorrow to meet Finley and we can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. The picture of all the boys on the couch is frickin adorable. Congrats again, Forseters!
