Tuesday, November 17, 2009

3 weeks early...but not a moment too soon!

Monday, November 16, 2009
After a nice, relaxing weekend filled with deep fried turkeys, friends, and football. We went to bed Sunday night and set our alarms for work on Monday morning. However, my fetal alarm clock went off around 2:45. My water had broken and we were suddenly wide awake packing for the hospital. Thankfully, Dan didn't say "I told you we should have packed a bag" more than once in the frantic half-hour that we raced around the house. (Although he had said it at least twice a day for the past week.) As we drove to the hospital, we realized that I was now having contractions that were already 3 minutes apart! We got checked in quickly and whisked up to the maternity floor. All my vitals were good, but the biggest surprise was that I was already 5 cm. dialated (1/2 way there!). They wheeled me down to our labor and delivery room and I smiled as we passed the room we had toured less than a week before. We got settled into the room and my contractions picked up in both intensity and duration. The nurse also us after a quick exam that I was now 9.5 cm, less than an hour since arriving at the hospital! The doctor came in and assured us that it was time to push with the contractions. Easier said than done, but we got into a rhythm and since I was doing all of this without pain medication, I knew right when to push and what was going on. Dan was very calm and reassuring throughout, giving positive encouragement and excellent motivation. After about an hour and a half of active labor, the doctor came in and said we were really close. It was another anxious and difficult ten minutes or so, but at exactly 7:01 little Finley came out and gave a good yelp. I have never felt more relief and joy in my life as I held him close to my body for the first time. He aced his apgars and after about an hour, it was time for me to go to postpartum and for Finley to go get checked out in the nursery.

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