Saturday, August 10, 2013


There are many challenges to raising two young children, but I won't bore you with those. Instead, I will choose to highlight some of the many joys - seeing them play together and truly love each other.  Here's a shot of Dan, Finley, and Dagny from a couple weekends back.
 As Dagny gets older, she is more able to "play" with her big brother and while it can be annoying when she wrecks things, grabs stuff, and generally causes havoc - it's super fun when she's just playing along.  Here they are discussing Finley's really tall fire truck ladder.
 And coloring together, a new favorite activity.  Finley with markers and Dagny with crayons.
 Though at times, Dagny just does her own crazy things.
But when one of them is napping, the other seems to love the one on one attention as Dagny does here.
Overall, they seem to love being together and seem to miss their sidekick when on their own.  Driving around with them in the car can be rather hysterical these days as they mimic each other, pass snacks back (and forth), and generally crack each other up.  When Finley and I went to the Boston Aquarium on our own last week, Finley must have mentioned missing Dagny a half dozen times.  It was so adorable, I almost regretted sending her to school that day!  We couldn't be happier that they get along so well ...especially since that means that we are closer than ever to being able to lock them in the finished basement to play on their own for hours on end :) Maybe that's wishful thinking...

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