Friday, July 13, 2012

Finley Has His Fun

With all the attention Dagny has brought to the house, have no fear--Finley is still getting lots of it for himself and seeming to enjoy it!

He loved playing guitar with my dad at least once a day (before he and my mom went home, sniff sniff).  Watching him strum and sing along was truly priceless.
When his friend, Charlotte, came over last week, Finley got Charlotte one of his spare guitars and they jammed right along with my dad.  Adorable!

Finley is singing his heart out here!
After all that music, Charlotte, Finley and Joey enjoyed a snack together.  It's pretty interesting that Finley struggles to share his toys these days but willing shares all food...I guess it's better than not wanting to share anything.

My dad loved building with Finley.  Here they are working on a highway.
And then adding a parking garage.
One of the biggest accomplishments was seeing Finley "let" my dad read him a book.  The kid seems to enjoy my rendition of his favorites above everyone else, so this was lovely to see.
Finley loved going outside with Dan and my mom after his nap and they played with sponges in the water table and spent what seemed like hours in the sandbox building and burying each other's feet.
Dan tried to get Finley excited about the little puppy sprinkler we had out in the backyard, but our little chicken wasn't so sure about it.
Finley always finds ways to make his own fun and climbing into the bassinet Dagny sleeps in was hysterical--especially since back in the day, Finley slept in it, too!
A rare shot of me and my boy having a good laugh.
Finley loves being with his sister and I cannot wait to watch their "play" in the coming months and years.

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