Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dagny So Far

So four days in, Dagny has already shown herself to be a pretty sweet little girl.  Being nearly 2.5 weeks older than Finley was when she entered the world, she certainly has things "together" a bit more than her big bro did.  Her cries are most often justifiable, though she does possess a shrill pterodactyl type yelp.  She latched well immediately and has been nursing like a champ since, though she seems to be more of a grazer (doctor said she may just be a more efficient eater...but time will tell).  She handles her independence quite well, falling asleep in the bassinet or on a blanket on the floor during the day.  Neither Dan or I can recall being able to put Baby Finley down on his own successfully--now perhaps we were simply over eager first time parents who didn't know if we were allowed to do such things...

I won't write about her overnight habits as to not jinx things, but let's just say she is more cooperative that her brother was.

Dagny enjoys being naked when it is time for a diaper change, which is quite often.  She just wriggles around on the changing pad, looking all around.  She tends to pee when diaperless, but since she is a girl--we are not in the line of fire--so aside from needing new clothes, it's not a big deal.  Speaking of clothes, we are planning to minimize the pink that covers Dagny and so far, she seems to be okay with that! Most newborns look fairly androgynous so if people think she's a boy, so be it--gluing a bow to her head or draping her in pink lace just doesn't seem to worth it.

Like her brother, Dagny is a good traveler and shopper. The two car rides she's had in her young life have gone smoothly and caused immediate slumber :) Today Dagny went to Crate and Barrel and Best Buy and snoozed through the entire outing, despite all the attention she got for being out in the world at just four days old.  I can only hope she will continue to be an excellent errands companion as her brother is and always has been!

While we are still using the "he" or "him" pronoun occasionally when referring to our delicate flower, that's just out of habit, and we are working on coming up with a term of endearment for her that's more fitting than "Buddy."  We test drove "Peanut" but that did not stick.  Today, "Squirt" seemed quite fitting so we'll see if that has any staying power.

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