Monday, May 2, 2011

Future Elephant Man

We have entered the vortex that is spring ultimate frisbee, ah yes, the time of year when Dan not only coaches the Tufts (Elephant) men's team but also begins the annual tryout process for his own club team. This means a lot of time on the field and not at home on the weekends, but now that Finley's a little older he can go along for some of the fun. On Saturday, Dan took Finley to Tufts practice in the morning and Finley was in his element. Running around in the grass, saying "hi" to all passersby, and most importantly--playing with a frisbee. Dan brought along our mini-soccer ball and there were some tennis balls lying around, but our little guy always heads right for an available disc and tosses it around amusing himself for surprising lengths of time. He'll do it on his own, but enjoys it when you say "Ready...throw" and he'll spike it right on cue. As practice was winding down, Dan texted me this picture to assure me that fun was being had by all.
Can't argue with evidence like this, can I? And who knew the Blackberry Tour could take such excellent photos?? Take that, iphone!

On Sunday, Finley and I went to the first part of Tufts practice in order to soak up some sun before lunch. Finley seemed pleased to be back on the field and found a frisbee to play with immediately. He did try out his tag-sale lacrosse stick here and there, but what can beat a frisbee or a plastic orange cone? We watched the boys play, read some books, chased some birds, had a snack, saw some trucks, said hi to some softball players, and even returned a softball to the Colby coach. The greatest part was watching Finley spot Dan every now and then and point saying "Da-Da" and sometimes start running towards him. When the team was huddling up about 30 or 40 feet from us, Finley turned around when he heard Dan's voice and just started making his way over to the crowd, frisbee in tow.
He found his dad and stopped to listen right next to him.
Absolutely adorable to watch :) One of those "I love my family moments" for sure.

Finley, it's a good thing you like frisbee practices, there will be plenty in your future!

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