Friday, May 20, 2011

We Heart Virgina

Finley and I flew down to VA to visit my parents as well as my brother's family who welcomed a new baby girl just two weeks ago. My parents are always well equipped for our visits: plenty of Finley friendly foods, lots of toys, plus they have two cats who can be surprisingly tolerant of toddlers.

Just like at home, Finley likes to toss a pillow or two on the floor, curl up on it and say, "Night Night."

My dad played his guitar for the music-loving Finley and Finley even accompanied him on theukulele (sort of).
We're pretty sure that having to have lots of blocks and trains around for Finley and his cousins is not a hardship for my dad.
Finley was quite fond of the cats and did a fair amount of chasing them, but also learned to pet them gently. The best was each time he spotted one, he would let out a happy little squeal and he even tried to hug them and snuggle up if they were resting. He also tried to play ball with one of them, but as he tossed the dodgeball sized ball onto the cat--the cat decided she had had enough!
Yes--there's a cat hiding back there and Finley was saying "bye bye" to her.
There was also plenty to do at my parents' house and Finley took advantage of just about everything. Here he is showing how he feels about visiting his Grammy and Granddad!

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