Friday, May 20, 2011

We Heart Virginia Cousins

After a lovely, lengthy nap on Saturday afternoon, we drove over to visit Finley's new cousin, Natalie Helen Mixter. Now Finley has two cousins! Owen (who is just a month younger than Finley) is a big brother! Natalie was pretty chill and the older boys were able to do their thing, but Finley did point to her a few times and say, "baby." Cuteness.

Finley and Owen saw each other last in December, so they've both grown up quite a lot and had fun playing together. Seems like all boys like to build and destroy things, roll trucks around, and bounce from one toy to the next and the next and the next! It was really neat to see them together and seem to more or less enjoy each other's company.
And they shared their Grammy's attention just wonderfully!
Soon it was time for a snack and Finley impressed everyone when I asked him, "Can you say Owen?" and he promptly responded with "Owee." I think his Uncle Chris' jaw dropped :)
Both little guys like to be outside, so I took Finley outside and my mom and Owen soon followed for a little walk in the condo complex. When Owen caught up with us, Finley gave him a hug (it was adorable) and soon the two were off. They took turns leading the way and we tried our best to continually steer them towards the sidewalk and away from people's porches and cars.
Staring longingly at the gated pool...summer will be here soon enough, boys! Though they did try to get in through the locker rooms. Such determination!
After a long walk, we swayed them to walk back towards Owen's house by reminding them that we would pass by the motorcycle. Finley walked right over to it and asked, "Up? Up?" Sorry buddy, but your GG in New York wouldn't be pleased if I let you on one of those!
Back at Chez Owen, we headed straight to the back patio where the fun continued.
Soon it was dinner time and both boys enjoyed some grilled hot dogs before it was time to say goodbye. It was a wonderful visit and next time we get all three cousins together, who knows what they'll be up to!

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