Saturday, April 30, 2011


For those that don't know, Finley's Grandpa Murray is a retail master. He's always up for a shopping excursion, whether we're looking for something specific or just something to do. He knows where to go and what to look for, not to mention he loves a bargain as much as a I do. One afternoon, we went to Christmas Tree Shops since Murray needed bird food and we needed an adventure. We hit the jackpot in the furniture section when we came up the most adorable toy box. Perfectly colored blue for Finley's room, slow closing lids for no finger pinches, and the right size for climbing up on and sitting. While these photos were taken at home after Dan assembled, I thought I'd include them amongst my White Plains posts.

Also, we ran a few errands the morning before we left since it was pouring outside and we knew we'd be stuck in the car later. Finley, as always, was an enthusiastic shopper.

First stop was a sporting goods store. We checked out the bikes, pool equipment, fishing poles, balls of all shapes and sizes, and all the mirrors in the clothing section. Why would anyone pay to go somewhere with their kids? This is perfect!
Our second no-entrance-fee stop, Toys R Us! We explored all the aisles and since Finley is still too young for the "gimmes," it's really fun to see what he's attracted to and wants to try out. We played with kitchens, cash registers, push cars, musical instruments, and finally--power wheels!
With his new Yankees hat on, he looked pretty grown up and ready to drive! There were lots of different big motorized vehicles to choose from, but my favorite was the pink, Barbie Smart Car. What will they think of next? After Finley's Grandpa purchased the above Yankees cap and some other NY sporting apparel for him, we headed out. All this shopping and playing must have worn Finley out since he was more than nap-ready once we hit the road for Boston.

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