Saturday, April 30, 2011

Chag Sameach, Finley

Last week, we were down in NY to visit with family and welcome Finley to the traditions of Passover. He was too tiny last year and not on solid foods, so the holiday basically passed him right by. This year he was able to enjoy many parts of it, but he mostly enjoyed trying matzo for the first time.
Almost sharing his crackers with Grandpa, but not quite!
While he went to bed before the seder actually started, he was able to mingle for a while with all our guests. Linda and Jacob, Jenny, Great Uncle Carl, Great Aunt Annette and Great Uncle Bernie, Aunt Ellie and Uncle Donny, and his grandparents were all happy to see a bigger, more coordinated, and talkative recently turned 17-month-old Finley.

We went to services at Temple Israel in the morning and Finley did just fine, waving and saying "hi" to anyone whose eye he'd catch. And not just once, but he'd say it over and over (therefore requiring me to apologize to everyone who was kind enough to keep waving back again and again).

For the second seder, we went over to Jacob and Linda's house. Linda was well prepared for Finley's arrival and he was soon trying out the toys she'd collected for him.

But Finley always seems to find other ways to entertain himself :)
The best entertainment by far was Oreo, Linda and Jacob's dog. Finley's love of canines (especially the small variety) was clear as he tried to get up close and personal with "e-o."
Oreo was very tolerant of Finley and seemed to enjoy having someone on the same level. Thank you, Linda, for all the pre-bedtime entertainment! And thanks to Aunt Ellie for this formal t-shirt, we found a great occasion to debut it.

Wonder what Finley will be up to next Passover. I doubt he'll be ready to ask the four questions (as the youngest person at the seder is supposed to do), but I bet he'll be a louder part of the evening for sure.

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