Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dropping the Ball

Well, I feel as if I have been dropping the blogging ball. Only 2 posts all month?? My excuses are many and mildly pathetic, except for the one about trying to write narratives for the children in my class in preparation of my parent-teacher conferences in 10 days. That's for real. The bigger reason for lack of blogs has been my lack of photos. Either we're not doing anything interesting worth taking photographic evidence of or we're doing so many fun things that I don't have time to grab the camera...I suspect it's more the latter, but I'm sure I could do better :)

Here are so totally random and unrelated photos from the past couple of weeks.

Finley and I went out to a late lunch last Friday at a fun diner in Newton. For most of the meal, he was turned sideways looking at the waitresses and busboys coming and going. Waving and saying hi over and over, thankfully his greetings were returned each time (what a friendly waitstaff!). After eating his hot dog, I got to eat while Finley continued to be social with all the passersby. I was hoping he would surprise me and actually eat his delicious looking french fries (which for some reason seem to repel him), but no dice. I squirted some ketchup onto his plate and in the blink of an eye, Finley picked up a fry, dipped it in the ketchup, and popped it into his mouth! This was his first encounter with ketchup, to my knowledge, but perhaps he's been partaking in the tasty condiment at Beth's. Unfortunately, Finley was only licking the ketchup off the fry after the first three or four dips, but eventually he began to eat the disguised potato product. How funny!
Another eating photo gallery, here's Finley at dinner this evening. Notice the shirtless bib look (spaghetti sauce has a way of getting on EVERYTHING so I opt for no shirt) and the nice red plate that Dan surely ate off of as a child since we inherited a whole box full of them from his folks.
At some point during every meal, Finley wants to play "Open and Closed." Dan obliged him tonight as I tried to get some picts.
Despite all the fun and laughter, he actually ate most of his food and didn't seem to notice that the plate could have been lifted and flipped over, phew!

Finally, some cute ones Dan snapped before bed earlier in the week.
Finley's bookworming nature has certainly continued and it's hard not to indulge him before bed each night with one more book and then another and maybe just one last one. As his vocabulary expands and his memory grows immensely, it's fun to read and ask him to find things on the pages. However, at some point we have to put all the books on the shelf and read The Going to Bed Book. Finley loves this book, but he knows it means bedtime and sometimes he'll squirm out of our grasps and pull another book of the shelf and request it be read. As if we won't put him in the crib unless we finish The Going to Bed Book...sorry buddy, bedtime is bedtime. But we like your literacy enthusiasm!

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