Monday, May 17, 2010

Weights and Measures

In honor of his 6 month birthday, Finley earned a trip to the pediatrician for a check up. No presents and an appointment to get poked and prodded...maybe being a baby isn't such a sweet deal...

Finley had a good night's sleep and was more than willing to skimp on his morning nap in order to make it to the doctor's office for his appointment. The nurse called us in and asked me to lay him down to mark his height (shouldn't this still be referred to as length??). Then, I stripped him down to his diaper so he could be weighed on the scale. As I laid him down on the cold metal scale, I begged him to NOT pee when I removed his diaper (as he did last time). Thankfully, he followed my instructions and managed to hold in any pee until I re-diapered him back in the exam room. Phew!

The results are in....
Weight: 17 lbs 10 oz (54th percentile)
Height: 27 in (72nd percentile)

I was impressed with the height, but shocked at the weight since I really felt like he had gained a lot (aka felt heavier in my arms when I lift him from the crib). He was 15 lbs 9 oz in mid-March so he's gained just about 2 lbs since, he's certainly no heavyweight! Ah well, maybe he'll last in his 3-6 month clothes for a while longer :)

After all the measuring, we waited for the doctor and played around on the table.
I had to remember which direction to lay him down since he can only roll one way and I'd rather that way be towards the wall and not off table!
Good thing, huh? What a little acrobat! All was good with the rest of our appointment and I even dared to ask about night weaning...gulp...the doc gave me some advice and told me that Finley's certainly old enough for us to start working towards it but that we didn't need to rush.
I asked a few other nerdy questions (that I won't embarrass myself with sharing) and then we were on our way. Oh wait--I forgot--Finley got 3 more shots...nothing noteworthy to report except that seeing your child cry in pain is still one of the hardest things I've experiences on this motherhood journey but thankfully he's recovered quickly with a big hug and some cuddling time.

On our way, bumped into Amy and little Owen in the waiting room and it was so funny to see Owen in an outfit that Finley once had but is now far too big for. Owen is a couple months behind Finley--one of the few 2010 babies we know (most of our playmates are 09-ers). This time next year, these two boys will be hard to keep up with :) What a great thought!

Fin's now sound asleep and hopefully will be happy as a clam when he wakes up since it's a beautiful day and I can't wait to get outside!

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