Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Romeo and Juliet Return

The boil water order was lifted, it was sunny but not steamy outside, and Finley had an amazing night's sleep--we had to celebrate! Thankfully, I had heard it was going to be a big day down at the Public Garden so we hopped on the T and arrived downtown in time for the festivities to begin. We walked across the park and into the garden where we passed the ducklings and listened to a reading of Robert McCloskey's classic book, Make Way for Ducklings, by one of the park rangers.
There was a round of applause and then we heard a brass band start playing because the parade was underway!!
After another winter at the Franklin Park Zoo, Boston's beloved pair of swans was being delivered back to the pond in the Public Garden. Without intending to, we were right alongside the parade and got to see Romeo and Juliet roll right by us!! It was really awesome to be that close to such a historic Boston tradition. We got swept up in the crowd and were lucky enough to walk alongside the beautiful birds until they arrived at their destination. I'm pretty sure if they air any footage on the evening news, you'd be able to see us!
Finley enjoyed the walk and had a lot of good stuff to look at.
After a few (too many) speeches, Romeo and Juliet were given the green light. Our good luck continued, since we got an amazingly close spot to witness the big event. Check out these photos!
Then, they jumped right in!
And turned to pose for all of us, what a cute couple!
Phew! How exciting! I felt like a true Bostonian, not to mention a true Stay At Home Mom! Next, we slid over to get in line for an official Return of the Swans cookie and some lemonade provided by the Four Seasons Hotel. Finley decided it was a good time to pass out since the swans were safely in the water.
We managed to get in line before the masses (the good luck just went on and on) and snagged a couple of gorgeous cookies and a glass of ice cold lemonade to take with us. We found a grassy patch in the shade near the water and sat down for a while.
If only he knew how tasty a cookie he was missing out on...
Finley enjoyed looking at the people passing by on the sidewalk more than the pond in front of him. When one the mounted police trotted by, he just lit up!
After a successful nursing endeavor (most exotic place yet!), I attempted to get a photo of the two of us before packing up. Not too shabby, eh?
All in all, it was a wonderful day in our home city. I couldn't believe how we kept being in the right place at the right time! Let's hope that next year we'll be as lucky since Finley will be so much more interested in the sights and scenes. Oh and as we walked back towards the T station, guess who hopped out of pond right in front of us for a nice preening session?
And his Juliet!

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