Saturday, June 14, 2014

Groton Road Race

Back in May, Finley ran his first road race!

As I prepare for a muddy obstacle course 5K in July, my friend Emily (who'll be covered in mud along side me) has been keeping me in the loop of the running world and she mentioned this kids road race.  So, I asked Finley if he wanted us to sign him up and he gave us an enthusiastic "yes!!"  He ran the race with his classmate, and Emily's daughter, Isabella.
 The kids were pretty pumped and possibly a bit nervous, so I stayed with them at the starting line while Dan, Dagny and Emily went to the finish. Finley and Isabella were animately discussing who would be first across the finish line.
 Soon, it was time for the 4-year-old division.
 I quickly escaped to the sideline after giving the kids a hug. On your marks,
get set, 
GO! Can you see Finley there???
Both kids finished the race and excitedly retrieved their blue ribbon and prize bag full of snacks and a juice box.  I won't lie -- I teared up watching our little guy race by me.  He just seemed so grown up.  Then, we stayed to watch Isabella's big sister run the 3K before heading back home.  I think it was the combination of all the adrenaline, anticipation, and the actual running that caused Finley to pass out in the car about five minutes into the 20 minute ride home.
He's already been asking about the next time he can run a race.  Our sports-loving, competitive DNA is starting to take over!

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