Saturday, June 14, 2014

Big Brotherly Love

We went to our millionth Touch a Truck event in May, but I will always remember this one amongst all the others.  We arrived at the parking lot and the rain continued to drizzle, I told Finley that we would stay until the rain worsened, but he had already started to tune me out as he set his eyes on the train coming towards us!
 So, of course, we hopped in the line to ride the Roaming Railroad.  Dagny looked a bit hesitant, but I figured once we got on--she'd be totally into it.
But I was wrong.  The poor thing was shaking like a leaf and despite my offering of the in-the-crib-only pacifier, she was panicked.  
I quickly snapped this photo before the ride started and you can tell who is excited and who is not :(
 I was feeling pretty awful about forcing her to do this, but since Dan wasn't there--we all had to go (and we had already bought our tickets).  But to my great surprise (and joy), when the train's engine started and we began to roll, Dagny curled into her brother's arms and he hugged her tight.
He held onto his little sister the entire ride and I overheard him reassuring her with phrases like "It's okay, Dags, trains are fun" and "Don't worry, I've got you, Dags."  My heart was melting and I had no idea how long the ride was or which direction we went or anything.  Dagny recovered pretty well with some popcorn and the security of her stroller for the rest of the touch a truck event.  Finley has been a terrific big brother since the day Dagny arrived, but it never ceases to amaze just how much he loves, worries about, and wants to be with her.  We are truly lucky and so are the two of them!

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