Thursday, July 25, 2013

Nuts and Bolts of Ms. Dagny

We had our long awaited one-year check up at the doctor today.  I armed myself with snacks, water bottles, ipad and headphones for Finley, and a few questions for the doc.
She weighed in at 23 1/3 lbs and 31 inches tall.  This puts her in the 76th percentile for weight and 92nd for height.  The doctor gave her a quick physical and said she looked great :) Then, she asked me all sorts of questions while Dagny wandered around.
1. How long has she been walking? About 3 weeks give or take.
2. Does she have any words? Yes, a few: dog, duck, hi, ball, no, bubble, uh-oh.  Sadly, no "mama" or "dada" yet, but hopefully that's coming soon.  Showing off her "toddlerness," though, she will often say "no"  if you ask her to say one of her familiar words or novel ones.  Such a diva.
3. Can she point, wave, and clap? Yes, yes, and yes!
4. How does she sleep at night? 10 hours plus before eating and will then go back to sleep for more.
5.  Two naps? Most often, but lately has been fighting that routine--especially at school.
6. Does she do any pretend play? Cooks, drinks from play cup and says, "ahh," and puts phone to ear to say "hi."
7. Tried moving her to whole milk? Eek, yes, we tried last week but after 3 days of small amounts--her digestive system was a wreck (I will spare you the details) and is still recovering.  She suggested waiting for the diaper rash that has emerged to heal and then try soy milk or lactaid.  Never easy, huh?

We'll go back at 15 months :)

Dagny got her Hepatitis A shot and then we went upstairs to get her blood drawn for a baseline lead test.  She let out an ear piercing scream with the shot, but then remained totally stoic during the blood draw (unreal).  I was floored.  She only got upset when she wanted to rip the bandaid off once we got to the car.  What a tough cookie.  Finley was very patient throughout, though he did exit the room during the blood draw - smart guy.

We returned home for some sweet potato fries and green beans (Finley chose the fries, Dagny chose the green beans) for lunch.  What a morning!

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