Friday, July 26, 2013

Dagny at 1 Year

I put together a bunch of photos that sum up what our little girl is like as she enters her second year of life.  She is full of energy, drama, and smiles.  She loves her big brother (and us, too, probably), stuffed animals (her loveys, Agent P, winter monkey, and Mush), books (Big Red Barn, Puff the Magic Dragon, any animal book, and whatever book you just read to her), and putting stuff into containers and taking them out.  She's not the best eater, but more like a small bird who pecks at things and eats just enough so that we don't throttle her.  She does love blueberries, baby cheese poofs, cereal with milk, peaches, pasta with meat sauce, and green beans.  She's doing great at school and her teachers seem to adore her; the smile on her face when I pick her up in the afternoons remains one of the best things in my life.  She can walk, crawl up stairs, and almost get into the tub on her own (face first). As of last week, she loves to swim at the pool and we are thrilled about that!  Dagny loves going for bike rides with Finley as he pedals his push bike and she gets pushed in her big red car.  She enjoys playing in the water table, sandbox, piles of dirt and pebbles, pretty much anything that can be messy.  She loves "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "Row Row Row Your Boat", both of which she can "sing" pieces of.  I could go on...but I will stop and show the photos!

Playing in a giant lego castle:
Dagny and Mush:
 Looking super girly and making a phone call:
Walking around a bit:
Swinging in the breeze:
Water table fun:
 Showing off her magnadoodle skills:
 Goofing off before school in an adorable dress (Thank you, GG and Grandpa!) with her loveys, Rocky and Hops:
Dagny dresses like a worker and delivers frisbees:
 Devouring a popsicle after a warm, wild trip to Drumlin Farm:

And one last one...a bathing wild child!

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