Monday, June 3, 2013

Touch a Truck 2013

The title says it all :) The four of us drove to Woburn a few weekends back to touch as many trucks as possible.  Dagny wasn't as enthused as her brother, but this time next year maybe she'll be more excited!

The view from the front loader gave Finley a sense of just how many trucks were there!
 Not surprisingly, one of our first trucks was a garbage truck.  Finley loved driving the wheel...
 and riding on "the step" to go pick the trash.  Thankfully, this seemed like a brand new garbage truck :)
 We've been to a few of these events, but we'd never been to one with such a huge crane so while Finley wasn't as enthusiastic to get in this one, we pushed!
 And he steered it like a champ!
 A backhoe was up next.
 All along, he's narrating what kind of work he's doing. So cute.
 The moving van didn't have as many boxes/crates as our worker bee would have liked,
 but he made it work.
 Hi there, Dagny, you're a champ!
 Then it was onto my favorite, a mixer truck.
 This is actually a fire truck, though from this photo you can't really tell!
 In the row behind the driver's seat, Finley found all sorts of cool fire gear.
 As Dagny needed to get into the car for a nap, Finley and Dan lingered to watch the firemen smash an old car's window and cut into it with the Jaws of Life.
We saw some friends at the event and laughed to ourselves that this is our life these days! Could be worse (Dagny...please don't make us go to Disney Princesses on Ice).

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