Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dagny Walks!

Just a week shy of her first birthday, Dagny is officially walking!! She's been working much harder at it since about Sunday afternoon and is really reaping the benefits.  Being such an efficient (i.e. speedracer) crawler and cruiser, she didn't seem to want to walk on her own before now. Yesterday, she wanted to walk around the house holding one of my hands, which was new so I suspected the walking must be around the corner and I was right! Tonight after dinner, she was showing a lot of eagerness to walk and I figured it was time to get the video camera.  Take a look!
Way to go, Dagny, you are amazing!!  She walked a few times back and forth between Dan and I and then Finley crawled into Dan's lap and offered to catch her, which turned out to be adorable.  He seemed to be just as proud of her as we were.
She walked a bit more and even went about seven or eight steps to the toy shelf all on her own, but alas it was soon time for bed.   As with most major baby milestones, this new stage will probably cause some unpleasant sleep disruptions, but figuring both kids already have odd summer "colds" that are waking them up ungodly early - I'm glad all this is happening at one time!

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