Thursday, June 28, 2012

Musical Talents

Finley's always been a musical dude, but lately he's been just singing out randomly and doing quite a nice job with all the lyrics.  His favorites to belt out: ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle, Take Me Out to the Ballgame, Yellow Submarine, I've Been Working on the Railroad, and more recently: Old MacDonald.  The trick with Old MacDonald is that he often gets stuck on the refrain and forgets to move onto the animal sounds, but his efforts are quite adorable.  Yesterday, after splashing around in the water table and watering the plants, Finley chose to use his bucket and shovel as a drum set and started singing.  I asked if I could take a video of him (since he's quite particular about when he is camera ready) and he agreed.  Here are two videos of the same tune--these are the kind of videos that I know he will love looking back at years from now :)

Love the footwork, right? Keep on rockin', little man!

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