Friday, August 12, 2011

Fun with Daddy

We've tried to go to a few summer league games this summer and Finley's been quite a trooper mostly enjoying himself and getting to stay up late. I snapped this photo a few weeks ago but forgot to post it.
Finley loves being outside and tossing frisbees around. We keep trying to teach him how to put his hands out to catch it, but he'd rather toss it and fetch it himself (which is easier for us I guess). He likes seeing familiar faces and checking out everyone's water bottles. One week, he was throwing around his beloved "yell-ball" which is a ratty old tennis ball and he caught it when Tali threw it to him (to our shock and awe). Now, if he has the tennis ball he assumes Tali must not be too far off. Tali=yellow ball. He tries hard to resist picking up the endzone cones, but often can't...maybe next year he'll "respect the lines." Maybe next year we'll have to tether him to a tree so he doesn't run off to the playground nearby, which for now he thinks is "closed" during frisbee games. Ah, toddler logic.

Since Dan is flying out to Seattle this afternoon for frisbee, he took Finley to a Daddy Dinner at Friendly's last night and texted me the most adorable picture with the caption asking, "Guess who's a member of the clean plate club?"
Yep, Finley! Apparently after only having eyes for his french fries until they were all gone, he devoured his chicken strips. They had a great time and hopefully all that Daddy love will carry him through the next few days :) He has said his name like twenty times so far today!

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