Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A USA Ultimate Baby

On Halloween weekend last year, my mom was visiting a very pregnant me while Dan was in Florida playing at the ultimate frisbee national championships. It was the first time in eight years (I think) that I hadn't gone to Sarasota to spectate, but it was a good choice to stay close to home and relax. Fast forward one year and off the three of us went to Florida as Dan competed once again for the national title. Dan's folks joined us and helped out tremendously!

We left early Wednesday morning and returned quite late Sunday evening/early Monday morning. If I wasn't so overtired and half-brain dead from all the traveling, I'd write a more wordy post...alas, pictures and captions will have to do :)
The trip was off to a great start, as Finley napped contentedly on Dan's lap on the plane.
Thankfully, we packed Bark-Bark to play with at the condo. I was worried about losing him, but Dan encouraged me to toss him in the suitcase. Good call, Dad!
Oh, GP (Grand-Pa), I was looking all over for Arty!
Almost got him...
Sorry, Finley. Arty was just bait!
Maybe being caught isn't so bad! I wish all mornings were like this!
Finley got quite yucky from all the sunscreen, sweat, dirt and sand most days. After a quick dip in the pool, both boys hopped into the tub.

The weather was hot, but Finley was an absolute champ at the fields. He didn't fight me putting a hat on and took several stroller snoozes. Not to mention, he ate anything and everything that was handed to him while we watched Dan play (food is a great distraction and can sure help pass the time for a little one).
I can't believe how grown up he looks standing there!
Dan teases me about the hat, but it did stay on and protect Finley's little face. Plus--who doesn't want to look like the Gordon's Fisherman?
He may have been super sweaty and stinky, but Fin was really happy to see Dan at the end of the day on Friday.
Finley tested the limits of this "snack trap," but probably ended up eating more cheerios than he dropped. Sweet.
Passed out!
There's Dan #11 running down the field, go Daddy!

After winning both their quarterfinal and semifinal games on Saturday, it was time for Dan's team to play finals on Sunday. Finley needed to show some team spirit, so Murray, Gilda, and I pinned him down while I applied an awesome temporary Ironside team tattoo. He was surprisingly okay with the situation until it was just about time to peel off the paper, what a good sport!
He and Eliot certainly won the cutest fans award! Too bad we finally got them in a picture together right after Finley woke up grumpy from a catnap...but you can imagine how cute he'd look smiling, right?

Sadly, Dan's team lost in the finals and it was tough to end our trip on such a dismal note. However, Finley was able to get his dad into a more smiley mood and we snapped a few family photos.
We packed up our giant rental car and all five of us drove to the Tampa airport. Murray was kind enough to drive while the rest of us got a little bit of rest on the ride. When I woke up, this was the adorable sleeping face that I was looking at :)
All in all, it was a great trip. Finley really rolled with the punches. He slept on the road, in the stroller, and in his travel crib in the closet. He ate well, played well, and smiled at everyone he saw. So many people commented at what a happy, smiley baby we have. He had a smiling contest with one fellow and laughed as others came by and tickled his feet. It was fun to see him adapt so well new places, faces, and routines. Traveling with a baby is no picnic, but we're sure figuring out how to do it right! Thanks again to GG and GP for coming with us!

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