Sunday, November 7, 2010

Agility Abounds!

Finley's making some serious gross motor gains these days. It seems like every few days, he does something we've never seen him do before or even thought of! After school on Wednesday, Finley and I headed over to the Children's Museum. Going to this museum on the weekends would be a nightmare, but in the last couple hours before closing time during the week, it's just lovely.

We headed right up the playroom which is for kiddos 0-3 and while I thought we'd start off in the room with the foam blocks and big ducks you can ride on, Finley had other plans.
He did turn around to make sure I was coming, but I'm not sure he would have changed his trajectory either way.
After a while, I tempted him away to the structure which he was way too small to enjoy at our last visit. I figured, I'd just toss him up to the top but he was very interested in the "cargo net" and seemed to know just what to do. I headed up to the top to document his ascent.
Woo-hoo! What a brave little man! Then, he spotted the stairs and just had to take them on. Compared to the cargo net, these were a breeze. Not to mention the cute eye candy that came by!

(insert adorable video here of Finley climbing the stairs and the nearly falling backwards as a cute little girl walked by and went down the stairs)
But thanks to a technology failure, no video will actually appear. Sad face.

After conquering the playroom, we went to the balls and ramps room where Finley enjoyed watching the golf balls sail by as well as the kids.
Our final stop was to say hi to "Chirp." Finley seems to like things (stuffed animals, pictures, etc.) that have big faces, so Chirp was perfect!
It's neat to go to the museum every month or so to see what new parts/exhibits he can enjoy as he gets bigger. Plus--his admission is free until he turns one so we had to squeeze in one more
under 12 months visit!

One more agile example: yesterday, Dan caught these photos of Fin as he attempted to get to the VCR via his toy bin and then back out.
Might be time to babyproof our house to the next level: toddlerproof. Yikes!

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