Sunday, October 3, 2010

Walking for a Cause

This morning, Finley and I were out the door just after 7am. We picked up my friend, Lisa, and headed to the T station to ride downtown.
We were headed down near the river to participate in the American Cancer Society's Making Strides for Breast Cancer walk. Lisa and I have done two 39.3 mile Avon Walks for Breast Cancer in the past, but this walk was a much more manageable 5.7 miles and it was stroller friendly. Also, Stacy and little Aliza joined for a the first mile or so before having to head home.
Finley was an absolute peach throughout our walk! He was awake for the first mile or so, then snoozed in his stroller for just under an hour, and then enjoyed the last 3 miles. It was a chilly morning, but Finley was all bundled up and surprisingly, he did not try and pull off his thumbless mittens off for the entire ride! After a pit stop near the end, I gave him some blueberries which seemed to help keep him all smiles for the finish line.
We posed for some pictures and then I bribed him with a rice cracker to get back into the stroller without a fight so we could head back to the T to get home. He took the bait and was happy as a clam crunching on his snack.
It was an excellent way to start our Sunday and it felt good to share my commitment to supporting breast cancer charities with Finley. We decided to do this walk just a few days ago but still managed to raise over $600, thanks to some very generous friends and family!
It's not too late to donate if you'd like!

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