Sunday, April 20, 2014

Pesach 2014

We are nearing the end of this year's Passover holiday and it has been one for the books! With both kids attending our temple's preschool, they learned so much about the history, traditions, and foods of Passover that this year's seders were much more interactive on their parts.  They have been singing Passover songs for weeks and Finley can basically retell the story of Moses from when he was found in the river to when "the bush on fire told him to go help the Jewish people."  At one point, I pretended to be shocked about the bush, asking, "Could a bush really talk??" and Finley quickly responded, "No, mommy, I think it was just God."  Needless to say, the kid was really taking in all that was being talked about and sung about at school and Dagny wasn't far behind as she walked around singing about Pharoh, frogs, and Moses.  Eating mostly matzah at school was tough at times, but matzah pizza was a hit with both kids and Dagny also enjoy matzah brei with cinnamon sugar generously sprinkled on top. Apparently, Dagny was also HUGE fan of the day when her class tried the vegetable dipped in salt water.  Her teacher explained that everyone had a piece of celery and got to dip it in the bowl of salt water as it was passed around but after her first taste, Dagny got up from the table and followed the bowl around for additional dips!

This past Monday and Tuesday nights were spent in NY with our White Plains family celebrating Passover with one seder at GG and Grandpa's and the second at Linda and Jacob's.  The kids were great sports and did wonderfully well staying up later than usual and participating when necessary.
The wild animal puppets from Great Aunt Annette and the new kippot from GG were big hits with Finley and Dagny and kept them happily occupied during the first part of the seder.  Thanks to Aunt Caitlin for this sweet pict!
Here's one from GG of our side of the room.

 When "Go Down Moses, Way Down in Egypt's land" came around, Dagny couldn't wait to belt it out! More photo creds to Aunt Caitlin, who really got an earful on this one!
Dagny soon went to bed and Finley and cousin, Charlie, stayed up a bit later to have dinner, find the afikomen, and enjoy some marble cake for dessert.  The second night at Linda and Jacob's was lovely, too.  The kids had fun with Oreo, the dog, and playing with the excellent afikomen gifts they received. Thank you, Aunt Linda! 

We left on Wednesday after a delicious lunch of all the leftovers GG had in her fridge and everyone got a kick out of watching Dagny slurp up every last egg noodle from GG's matzah ball soup.  She was covered in broth, needed a new shirt, and couldn't have been more pleased.  Finley and Dan reluctantly put away ALL the legos that had been taken out and played with over our two day visit and we headed out.  What a difference a year makes:
 And what about three:

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