Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Nothing Beats Free

On our way to Kimball Farms yesterday, I saw a kids' wheelbarrow outside a local kids' consignment shop and pointed it out to Dan.  I suggested we stop by on our way home and Dan convinced me that we should stop by now in case it isn't there later on.  I popped into the store to ask what the price was and the teenage salesgirl inside, said, "Oh, it's free."  Music to my ears--so I went back out and brought it over to the car to show a wide-eyed Finley before popping it into the trunk.  Score!  Finley commented how much he loves it when things are free and while we know he is far from financial understanding, at least he grasps this one concept!
Later in the day, Finley and Dagny couldn't wait to take their wheelbarrow out for a test drive (and pour).
 Finley was a pro and while we have never owned a wheelbarrow, he seemed to know just what to do with it from loading it up, steering it around, and tipping it forward to dump out the contents.
 Family yard work time went really well and Finley was surprisingly effective and helpful with his newest tool.
 Dagny wasn't the best driver of the wheelbarrow since she couldn't lift and roll it, but she was game to show Finley where to take the load they had put in.
After naps, we were all back out in the yard and Finley donned his new gardening gloves to help us clear out all the leaves in the front flower beds and dump them in the woods with his wheelbarrow.  All this fun and productivity for free, love that!

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