Saturday, January 5, 2013

Dagny's Half Birthday!

Dagny is 6 months old this week.  Wow! Her first half birthday and she is as busy as ever.  At 18 lbs 6.5 oz and 26.75 inches, she's growing like a weed.
As I previously posted, Dagny is sitting up and she's getting pretty good at steadying herself when she starts to fall.  The other day, she was sitting up and then fell backwards a bit and landed on my leg but before I could help her, she managed to pull herself back up to sitting!  Dagny has joined her brother at school full time and she made a wonderful first impression in the infant room.  Despite not ever taking a bottle at home, she is now a master at drinking her milk at school and even at home when necessary.  Phew.  She likes all her teachers and enjoys laying on the floor or sitting up with the other babies.  She's still working on taking longer naps there, but since the lights are on and not all the kids nap at the same time--who can blame her for not quite conking out like she does at home just yet.  Finley gets to visit her in the "baby room" on occasion and Dagny is sometimes taken on a walkabout over to the 3s to see her big brother.  Drop off and pick up can be crazy at times, but I'm so glad they are in the same school and all the teachers take such good care of them.

Dagny is eating a couple of jars worth of baby food a day plus some baby oatmeal.  Now that she's 6 months, we can explore more fruits/veggies, yogurt, and more interesting jarred concoctions.  I'm not looking forward to her getting teeth since they can be painful for her and I'm still nursing--but it will be nice for advanced eating purposes (cheerios, blueberries, teething crackers, etc).

She loves her new dino-ball toy and anything that crinkles.  Like most babies, she loves tags and chewing on anything that she's not supposed to.  Finley is already getting a taste of what life will be like when his baby sister can get to all his stuff.  Poor guy.  She is using a pacifier here and there but we are going to try our hardest not to let her become 100% obsessed with it...famous last words, right?  Her sleep habits are inconsistent though some nights are excellent.  At her 6 month check up next week, I'm going to ask about when we can really "let her go" at night so we can all get a little more sleep and she can learn to wait to eat until closer to wake up time.  

Her blond hair is really coming in (nicely depicted in her mohawk in the photos below) and her blue eyes remain (those Mixter genes shining through!).  

She is an exhausting bundle of joy and we are excited to see what 2013 brings...if nothing else, may it please bring some consecutive hours of sleep!

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