Friday, September 21, 2012

Little Bits

Things are never dull around here, but I haven't taken many photos to document all the goings on.  We spent 3 days in NY for Rosh Hashanah and aside from the photo that Grandpa Murray snapped of Dagny sleeping on me while I slept on the banquette in the kitchen...I have no photo evidence that we were there.  We did have a nice visit, though, with lots of good food, friends, and family.  Finley loved riding on the toy tractor and playing with many of the trucks Dan had as a little kid.  Dagny was passed around and didn't seem to mind and she did her best to sleep in her bassinet at night which was lovely! Finley enjoyed temple, especially when the shofar was blown and seeing his Aunt Ellie sing up on the bimah.  He was also very attentive to the rabbis--when they said "be seated" or "please stand" he was on top of it, even telling me to keep up!

To make up for my lack of photos, here is a random assortment of phone and camera photos from the past couple of weeks.

Dagny is in the bear outfit Finley donned years back.
 Two kids on one lap plus a giant stuffed penguin, way to go Dad!
 Finley was lucky enough to get a "big brother" gift from Great Aunt Annette and Great Uncle Bernie while we were in NY and as soon as we got home he got to open it.  A huge tool set! He got right to work and has been loving it ever since.  So far, he's "built" a sandbox for Dagny and a birdhouse for our backyard.
 Plus, he does some repairs around the house!
Here's Dagny at the park yesterday, it was surprisingly chilly so I pulled out the Google hat that was given to Baby Finley and it fit her perfectly.  Here's Finley wearing it back in April 2010.
Finley saw it and said, "Hey--that's like what is on your computer when we open it!"  Nothing gets by this kid! Now, here's Dagny trying out the bumbo.
She's not sitting at all on her own, but did surprisingly well in this seat.

Finally, last Sunday we went to the Acton-Boxbourgh Farmer's Market and while we didn't need any fruits/veggies--I wanted to check it out.  Finley heard some music as soon as we arrived and we followed our ears to a tent with two dads playing guitars.  Kids were playing instruments and dancing around so we found seats and enjoyed the show.  Finley was entranced, as he always is by music, and it was hard to tear him away.  They even played "The Cat Came Back" which our family loves!
 There was also a tent explaining the new train station that is going to be built by 2013 in town and to attract families over, there was a spread of train tracks and Finley got down on the ground and started to build.
Hopefully both these tents will be there each week for the market or it will be hard to get Finley to return!

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