Monday, August 6, 2012

Weekend Recap

This weekend flew by (as most days do lately), but we sure managed to fit a lot in.  It began with a swim at the Arlington Reservoir for Finley and Dan (is was near 90 degrees and the water was perfect Dan reported).  I wasn't quite ready for Dagny to be exposed to all that heat since she can't wear sunscreen yet (I'm a worrier, what can I say?).  The boys returned home sandy, tired, and happy.

On Saturday morning, Finley and I headed to IKEA while Dan stayed home with Dagny.  We couldn't all go since we would need to put down some of the seats in the jeep to get the dresser we planned to buy home.  This particular dresser is now the 5th of its kind purchased by our circle of friends who have all had kids around the same time.  Kelvin and Stacy started the trend by getting this dresser that was quite spacious but doubled as a great changing table since it was a bit higher than most horizontal dressers. Aliza's room looked great with this dresser and it seemed amazingly functional.  Eliot and Finley were the next owners of these dressers followed by Samuel who got his last spring.  We were on the fence about getting one for Dagny but her new room will be quite spacious and while Finley doesn't use the top for changing diapers anymore, he does use all the drawers, so we couldn't swipe his.  These dressers will work well for decades to come and the entire line of this IKEA furniture was on sale this weekend, can't beat that!  Dan was armed with a bottle of pumped milk for Dagny, but nevertheless Finley and I promised to make an efficient trip there and back.

We found the dresser, picked up some laundry baskets and lamps, and hurried to the check out.  Finley was a champ running through the maze that is IKEA.  We paused briefly to play in some toy kitchens, slide down some slides, pretend sleep in some beds, and sell some tickets at the little green playhouses that are scattered around the store.
The highlight for him was getting to help push/pull the flatbed cart with all our loot piled on it.  He yelled, "We are the delivery drivers, Mommy!"  We had some help getting things into the car and then put the pedal to the metal to get home and check on the two we left behind.  Dan reported all went well and I was proud to have survived my longest time away from Dagny and given Finley some one-on-one Mommy time.

Dan headed off to practice while the kids both took decent naps.  When they were up, we headed off to play at L.L.Bean since it was still super hot out.  We checked out the toy store next door first and then went into the Bean. Finley was disappointed that there weren't any kayaks on the floor to "captain," but there was a big tent set up with cots, chairs, etc. that he thought was pretty excellent.  The grill was his favorite and he asked why it was so small, "not like Daddy's big big grill."  The funniest part of our time there was that he hopped onto the tricycle that is the exact one Aunt Caitlin gave Finley for his birthday last year that we have kept in the basement.  He can't seem to pedal it on the carpet and the one time we took it outside, he wasn't terrible interested in putting in the effort to use the pedals.  Arg.  
However, at the store, he immediately put his feet on the pedals and off he went! I was shocked and scrambled to find my phone, but I did manage to capture his second ride (which was much shorter than his first).
Proof positive, he can generate enough momentum to get this trike moving! I can't wait to get him outside on his ASAP!

The weekend wrapped with a visit from Aunt Ellie who was en route home to NY from NH.  It was her first chance to meet Dagny and she brought some lovely gifts for both kids.

The next time we see her will be at her wedding weekend when Finley will be carrying the rings down the aisle!!

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