Wednesday, November 16, 2011

2 Years Ago Today

Two years ago today, Finley entered our lives and it's been the most amazing twenty-four months since.  Much like that morning, Finley had us up bright and early today and we tried to make the day as special as possible despite it being a work/school day.  I dropped Finley off at Beth's with some chocolate chip cookies, raspberries, and blackberries for him and all his friends to have after lunch for birthday treats.  When I picked him up, Beth said he wore his birthday crown at lunch and loved having everyone sing to him before blowing out the candle in his cookie.  She even said she took a few pictures so hopefully I'll get to see those soon.

We headed off to meet Charlotte, Gabi, and Joey for an ice cream playdate.  We all enjoyed some delicious ice cream together and Finley ate every drop of his vanilla cone.

Charlotte was very sweet wishing Finley a happy birthday and Gabi and I promised to repeat this afternoon treat when Charlotte turns three in January.  We'll have no problem keeping that commitment!

We drove home and played for a while in the basement where Finley rode around on his new tricycle and scooped up his stuffed animals with his new snow shovel (Thank you, Charlotte!) before going to pick up Dan since his car is in the shop.  Dinner was chicken nuggets and squash before presenting Finley with his Birthday Pumpkin Pie.
Dan and I are more "pie people" than "cake people," so we figured at 2 Finley was ready to handle this Forseter twist on birthday tradition.
 After dinner, since it was getting late, we quickly opened some family presents.  As soon as the box from my parents was presented to him, he jumped right up on top and obliged me with a "cheese!" for the camera.

 The doctor's kit from my brother and his family was an instant hit.  As soon as we opened the bag, he said one of his new phrases "Get out!" which we like to interpret as "no way!" or "OMG!" but what Finley actually means is "get it out" so we got out all the tools and he gave Dan a check up.
 I failed to take any more photos, but he did open a neat little playhouse from my parents and some stamping markers from my cousins which we already tested out.  Life is good, huh Finley?

I could probably write an entire post about my reflective feelings on a day such a day as today, but the truth is since I have this blog to look back through whenever I want...I won't do it.  All I'll say is that I am immensely proud of Finley, but also of Dan and I as parents.  The three of us have come a long way in two years and I can't wait to see what's next.
Happy Birthday, Finley, we love you with all our hearts.

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