Saturday, November 19, 2011

2 Year Check Up

After a successful visit to the pediatrician's office on Friday, I have this to report:

Finley is 36.5 inches tall, which puts him in the 94% percentile for height.  That's more than a yardstick tall!
Without hesitation, he stood up on the big boy scale to be weighed.  He is 28.5 pounds, which puts him in the 57% percentile.  That makes him perfectly long and lean according to Dr. P.

I answered all sorts of questions about his eating, sleeping, talking, and activity habits.  Finley demonstrated his running skills out in the hallway.  Then, the doctor checked his ears--which is usually Finley's least favorite part of the exam but he didn't flinch.  His ears were clear which meant the double ear infection from earlier this month was 100% gone, score!  He enjoyed being laid on his back while the doc examined his legs, hips, and other inner organs (I got to see where his liver is, exciting).  The doctor looked to see if any molars are coming in, which they aren't, but we should expect them in the next six months or so.  As the doctor packed up his computer and shook my hand, Finley piped in "Thank you" and then he and the doctor exchanged high fives and fist bumps.

The nurse swooped in, gave Finley a flu shot and then we headed down the hall for a lead test (blood draw).  Last year we had to come back twice to get the blood sample, but the doctor assured me at 2 years old, he'd be fine.  WRONG.  The nurse stuck him twice and while trying to get blood into the tube, the first needle hole began to bleed big time and since his blood wasn't flowing quickly into the tube, it had to stay in.  Just imagine his tears (and mine) as blood was spurting out with a needle still in.  I  nearly lost my cool and the nurse felt awful.  When she finally took the needle out and wiped up all the spilt blood, she said she hoped there was enough in the tube for a test but she wasn't sure.  Arg.  Finley left with a very sore arm and he was halfway down the hall before I could get my coat on, saying "home now, home now."  We stopped for two munchkins (donut holes) to ease my guilt and he ate one on the way to daycare before falling asleep.  Poor dude.

He was all smiles when I got him later in the afternoon and when we got home, he asked to take off the "dan-dan" which is his version on bandaid.  No horrible bruising or needle marks much to my relief.  Looks like only I am still scarred by the morning's events :)

All in all, a good report.  It's always nice for someone else to tell you how great your kid is, though we didn't need convincing!

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