Thursday, September 1, 2011

Come on Irene

With all the wind and rain, we spent most of Sunday inside the house. Finley seemed to have less cabin fever than the three adults in the house, but we all made it through just fine.

We started off the day with some pancakes, which were a HUGE hit. "Cancakes!" Finley must have spent 45 minutes at the table enjoying his breakfast and even took the last half of a pancake with him when he was ready to be excused. He kept showing it to us over and over, "Cancake, cancake!" Perhaps a new weekend tradition has been born!
He even needed some of my milk to wash it all down, unheard of!
We played in every room and spent a long time with his new Little People garage (a craigslist steal!!).
He also had fun bouncing on Rody in front of the front glass door watching the rain and wind.
However, the most unexpected part was when Dan took Finley down to the basement to play and while we heard them bouncing around down there at first, soon it was silent. Nothing. Eventually, it was time for lunch so I opened the door and called down only to find that they were just hanging out in Finley's play tent with all the little stuffed animals we have down there. Dan said Finley was happy as a clam setting them all up and playing with them. He became particularly fond of the hippo and what Dan told him was a mole (when it was in fact a platypus). A new favorite play spot was born! The hippo and the mole came up with him when it was time for lunch and now he can't be in the tent downstairs without them. Wish I had some pictures, but alas I got to relax upstairs with my mom :)

After a long nap, the weather had more or less cleared so we headed to Costco to use some sweet coupons and run around. Finley had fun with the musical instruments on sale.
All in all, we can't complain. We didn't lose power, only small sticks fell in our backyard, and Finley was a peach. Take that, mother nature.

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